Why Are Shingled Roofs So Popular?

Shingle roofs have only been around for about 100 years. However, despite not being as old as other roofing materials, asphalt shingle roofs have become the most popular roofing material, with over 75 percent of homes having roofs made from shingles, according to our sources. If you are in the market for a new roof, you may be wondering why asphalt shingle roofs are so popular. Here are three reasons why shingled roofs are so popular with homeowners.

Shingled Roofs Are Affordable

One of the reasons why asphalt shingles are a popular roofing material in the United States is because asphalt shingles are affordable to purchase and affordable to install. While asphalt shingles may not be the most long-lasting roofing material on the market, they last considerably long as a roofing material with its price point. This makes them an excellent bang for your buck. Additionally, installing a new roof can be pricey, so selecting an affordable material, such as asphalt shingles, helps make roofing more affordable for homeowners.

Shingled Roofs Are Durable

Another major benefit that is associated with asphalt shingles is that they are durable. These types of shingles can withstand everything from freezing cold temperatures to extremely hot temperatures. They can withstand ice, snow, and heavy rain. This makes them a great choice to use in cold climates, hot climates, or even humid climates. This contributes to their popularity.

Shingle Roofs Match the Aesthetic of Many Homes

The final benefit associated with asphalt shingles is that they come in a wide array of colors. They are also starting to come in different shapes and textures. This may not seem like a big deal until you think about how visible your roof is. If your roofing material does not match the color scheme and aesthetic of your home, your roof may stand out like a sore thumb. Picking something that fits the aesthetic of your home can help to boost your home’s curb appeal.

There are many benefits associated with asphalt shingles, and as such, they have become popular in the United States. If you are in the market for a new roof for your home, contact ROOFWORKS today! We’re happy to provide you with the high-quality asphalt roofing you need.

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