6 Signs Your Home Needs Emergency Storm Damage Services

When storms strike your area, your siding and roofing could be vulnerable. In fact, according to The Spruce, most siding is rated for winds of up to 110 mph. However, if stronger winds come along, it could rip the roofing and siding off, leaving you in need of emergency storm services. It’s important that you know the correct way to check for storm damage following severe weather. Here are some tips for storm damage inspection.

1. There Is Roof Debris

You should check your roof for branches or other debris a storm may have blown there. Even very small bits of debris can cause damage to your roof. High winds can create a big impact even with a small object. Roof damage combined with heavy rains can result in water damage in your attic which could affect ceilings. You should also look for missing or broken shingles which can let moisture in as well.

2. The Chimney Flashing Is Loose

The flashing around your chimney has been installed to prevent water from seeping down into your roof. During a storm, flashing can become loose, dented, or lift up. When water runs underneath the flashing, it will then travel down the chimney, roof beams, and attic area. Dampness there can cause mold growth and water damage.

3. There Is Damaged or Missing Siding

Although vinyl siding is a great option for your home, it is vulnerable to storm damage. It’s important to have damaged or missing siding replaced as soon as possible. Your siding provides a layer of protection for your home from the elements. If the siding is damaged or missing, water can get in as well as pests or debris.

4. There Are Water Stains

Water stains on exterior walls can signify that water has gotten down in between the pieces of siding. This can lead to water damage or mold growth. You will also want to look for water stains on interior walls and ceilings as this can signify that water has gotten into your attic spaces. This needs to be dealt with ASAP to prevent further damage to your home.

5. There Are Exterior Holes

A powerful storm can send debris through exterior walls and glass. You need to inspect your entire home for signs of damage. Remember that every hole, no matter how small, is an entry point for water and that can be damaging to your home.

6. The Windows Have Holes or Cracks

Windows are especially vulnerable to damage during a storm. You might not immediately notice damage if you’re only looking for holes or big cracks. Examine your windows closely so that you can detect small cracks. Small cracks and chips can turn into bigger damage later on.

If you’re in need of siding, roof, or window repairs after storm damage, please give us a call at ROOFWORKS. We are here for your exterior repair needs.

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