4 Ways to Reduce Your Home’s Energy Costs

With energy costs on the rise and a growing awareness of the importance of energy conservation, homeowners need to know steps they can take to lower their energy consumption and energy costs. Let’s look at four ways you can start making these changes in your own home.

1. Upgrade Your Windows

New windows can lower energy bills significantly. In fact, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, depending on where you live, you could save up to $501 a year just by replacing your old, outdated single-pane windows with Energy Star-approved windows. This type of upgrade will help your home cut down on the heat transfer that takes place at your windows. You’ll keep more heat in during the winter and keep more heat out during the summer, resulting in less heating and cooling costs. Window installation experts from a top roofing company like ours can help you with this type of upgrade!

2. Replace Your Roof

Your roof can also have a significant impact on the energy your home is using. An energy-efficient roof will help deflect much of the sun’s heat during the summer. Plus, a roof that is properly installed can ensure that heat is not transferring into your attic spaces at a rate that would increase cooling costs during the summer. You should contact experts with a roof inspection certification to look at your roof to make proper energy efficiency recommendations.

3. Conduct an Energy Audit

If you’re serious about cutting down on energy costs, then you might want to schedule an energy audit. This is an inspection conducted by an energy expert to evaluate how energy is being used in your home and where you could make improvements. You can usually set this up through your power company.

4. Use Common Sense

There are also a lot of common sense steps you can take on your own to cut back on how much energy your home is using. Turning out lights when not being used, setting thermostats to recommended settings for heating and cooling, and upgrading appliances to energy-efficient models are all ways you can improve your energy consumption.

If you’re interested in home upgrades such as roofing, windows, and siding that can improve your home’s energy efficiency, please contact ROOFWORKS today. Our experts have roof inspection certification that qualifies us for all of your roofing needs as well as other types of home upgrades.

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